I'm not a democrat or a republican. As such, I vote for the person I actually believe in. I think people should vote for the person they most closely align with regardless of party. It's safe to say that most people don't agree with everything the democrats or republicans stand for. This may seem redundant when talking to anyone taking this course but it's hard to understate the importance of researching every candidate and what they stand for, aside from what you see on TV.
If everyone voted for the person they actually believe in, I think we would see less gridlock in congress resulting from one party choosing to be belligerent. We could see less backlash on people like Chris Christy who may not agree with President Obama on many issues, but can at least see through party lines and say it when he has done a good job. In an article from USNews.com titled "Is Chris Christie a GOP Traitor for His Obama Hurricane Praise?", writer Theresa Welsh shows the discussion among the republican party of shunning Christie and the ulterior motives he must hold for recognizing and appreciating what Obama has done throughout the crisis. Further, Rush Limbaugh calls Christie a fool who doesn't know what he's talking about. In my opinion, Christie was doing his job. He was working to help his state and Obama was there working with him.
In the end, having more representatives who better represent the people, who come from more than two political parties, would only help. With more recognized and respected parties we would see less political game playing. With that in mind, I think it's important for voters to support the person who they really believe. Why would I vote for one person when I thought there was someone else running that could do a better job?
Great post, I do agree that people just need to vote in general. It really makes me mad when people argue about the candidates and don't know what they are talking about. It's important for the U.S. to be informed and that everybody votes. If everybody votes than the candidate who truly is the "better" candidate would be elected. Unfortunately the general population is made to feel like their vote doesn't count. Especially in states where it is "given" that a certain party will win.