Monday, November 19, 2012


The Washington Times collaborated a page with highlights of the 2012 election. I found this interesting because the videos are humorous while some are the real serious moments of the election such as when Ohio was called. A funny one on this page was many of the malfunctions of voting machines.

This site compiled the 65 most memorable quotes of the election including the infamous Big Bird statement and different zingers sent by each candidate.

I thought both sites took an interesting approach to the commemoration of this election year.
What were some of the most memorable parts of this election for you?
Will this be an election that sticks with you later in life?

1 comment:

  1. Alexandra, good find! The list of quotes definitely had me laughing and shaking my head at the same time. It's amazing what comes out of politicians mouths sometimes. They try so hard to be seen as perfect individuals, so the especially ridiculous one-liners like, “I’m not familiar precisely with what I said, but I’ll stand by what I said, whatever it was.” — Mitt Romney, are the best to read and hear about...and that quote is one of the most tame!

    I think this election will absolutely be one that sticks out in my mind, mostly because it was only the second one I could vote in, and was the first I paid close attention to. Watching the debates, keeping up with the news articles, and breaking down the election has burned the last few months of politics into my memory bank forever.
