Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Your Voice Your Vote 2012"- Patience Required

As election day moves along and people wait to cast their votes (some for over an hour!), the country sits in anticipation. Who will win? I, for one, have no idea. This race is definitely a nail-biter, neck-to-neck and every other cliche in the book. Keeping with the pace of the entire election, this day has so far been resulting in such close numbers, even a tie in one New Hampshire village, that it is bound to be a very long night ahead.

Visiting websites, watching the news coverage, and passing the long lines at voting centers I've felt my excitement building all day; I must admit I never thought I would say that about politics. I'm sure there are websites all over where you can check how the race is going nationally and state-by-state but I've been using ABC News,http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Elections/fullpage?id=17012629. While Romney is still making appearances and campaigning, Obama will be in his home state of Illinois doing television interviews and playing a little basketball; very different strategies during the "costliest and  one of the closest"elections in US history. Do those strategies reflect on the confidence of the candidates? Or is it just another sign as to how different these two men have proven to be? I'm going with both.

No matter what the Presidential outcome at least we can all experience a win when the obnoxious political commercials, status updates, tweets and blogs come to a close. That's a very refreshing light at the end of the tunnel.


  1. I know I will be happy when today is over, you're absolutely right! I like that you blogged about what the candidates are doing today, I wouldn't have thought to look that up. Last night on the news I saw a segment about what the candidates do in their rare free time during the campaign. Obama liked to go out to dinner at local restaurants and play basketball/work out in any gym he could find. Romney savored the quiet time by often ordering room service in his hotel. I think that these moments out of the spotlight show what's really beneath the image that the campaign has created for the candidates.

  2. I did the same thing with the election, just looking up all the electoral maps and watching as things were shifting. I don't think I have ever felt excited for an election (at least before the election happens) than I was with this because of the tight horse race as well as it was my first time to vote and I was interested to see if my vote would help my candidate win. I wonder if I will feel the same for future elections or not. Megan, I like how you had found that segment on the candidates! That is neat. I think it is important to highlight that sometimes because people start thinking of Romney and Obama as these figures who are parading around saying this or that and we don't really get to know who they are when they are out of the media spotlight. That's cool that the news did that.
