Thursday, November 15, 2012

Time for a Republican Party Makeover?

An article from NPR titled 5 Foul-Ups In The Romney Campaign came out a few days after the election and I thought it was very interesting/informative.  The articles points were:

1) At first, Romney didn't lead the Republican Party, it led him.
2) For too long, Romney let the Democrats define him.
3) For a while, the Romney campaign lost focus.
4) The campaign had too many unscripted occasions.
5) Instead of ending with a bang, Romney's campaign faded away.

The article went into greater detail with each point and gave examples.  It made me wonder how the election would have gone had a different individual been chosen for the Republican presidential candidate.  But is Romney really the only one to blame or was it the entire Romney campaign and/or Republican Party?  This reminded me of all the talk I've been hearing of how the Republican Party needs to revitalize itself.  What would a revamping of the Republican Party look like?

1 comment:

  1. I would agree with most of the conclusions that NPR came to in regards to the Republican Party. I think the party needs to revamp their approach to the younger crowd. Many of my peers are Democrat and I do wonder if the Republican Party targeted the younger generation, would people change? Obama was great with reaching our generation by the way he carried himself, appealed to our wants (especially student loans) and let's face it, Obama had swag. I don't believe it completely had to do with the man, Obama but also the venues where the democratic party chose to speak highlighted their target to the younger generation. The Republicans better get a move on it because their biggest fans are starting to die away and our generation is beginning to take over.
